- This sale is limited to 4-H/Grange Market Animals of enrolled members for the current year either in the Ferry County or Colville Reservation 4-H/Grange Program.
- All Market Animals shall be weighed in and tagged by the Livestock Superintendents or their delegates to determine if they may be entered in the Market Animal classes.
- For market beef project be sure to bring a copy of your brand inspection sheet. Received from whomever you purchased the animal, to turn in at weigh in. Beef exhibitors need to have two (2) brand slips at weighin, one slip from the producer to the exhibitor and one from the exhibitor to the Ferry County fair for inspection from the state Brand Inspector.
- Members enrolled in Livestock Projects who wish to market their animals through the Sale, MUST so indicate when registering by checking the appropriate box for that animal.
- NO HORNS or re-growth allowed over 1” on market steers and all Male Livestock MUST be castrated and completely healed from both procedures. If the animal is not fully healed, it will be removed from the fairgrounds.
- Market Animals will be listed on a sheet with placing.
- Members are limited to the sale of two animals per individual and must be of different species.
- If an Exhibitor shows more than one animal in any Market Class, the second animal is NOT eligible for Grand or Reserve Champion ribbons.
- GRAND and RESERVE CHAMPION Animals MUST sell at the Ferry County fair Market Sale – NO EXCEPTIONS.
- If any of the Market Animals sold on the rail and tracked, the owner will be paid according to what price it brings and support, less sale set aside percentage.
- Under finished, non-market looking animals can be given a White Ribbon. NO WHITE RIBBON animals sold at the auction.
- Lambs, Goats and Hogs weighing OVER their maximum weight limit, which go through the Market Animal Sale, will be sold at the maximum weight limit (Steers – no maximum). Hogs, Lambs and Steers weighing LESS than the minimum weight limit will be entered into their appropriate Feeder Class and will not be sold at the Sale. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Weight limits on Market Animals for the sale are as follows:
Market Steer | 1,000 lbs minimum and must be 20 months or younger and born in prior year |
Market Lamb | 100 lbs to 160 lbs and must be SEVEN (7) months or younger |
Market Hog | 225 lbs to 300 lbs and must be SEVEN (7) months or younger |
Market Goat | 65 lbs to 120 lbs and must be 12 months or younger |
- Terms of the Market Animal Sale shall be cash or check. Purchasers please arrange for destination of their purchase before leaving. Animals sold must go to slaughter or home of buyer. Livestock weighed with shrink as posted at the scales.
- A maximum of 4% of the total sale price may be withheld and retained to cover the cost of the sale and for an educational fund, managed by Ferry County 4-H Leader’s Council. The actual percentage will be determined by the Ferry County fair Market Sale Committee.
- All 4-H Livestock members selling Market Animals at the sale on Saturday evening will be responsible for the welfare of their animals ending at 4:00 PM on Sunday or until the animal is loaded for shipping.
- Carcasses, condemned by packers because of drug use, shall be the responsibility of the owner and all support and premium money for the animal forfeited.