Current schedule for the 79th Annual Fair – 2023 (subject to change)
8:00 AM
- 4-H/Grange Horses MUST be on Fairgrounds
9:00 AM
- 4-H/Grange Light Horse Divisions begin
- Division 1 – Showmanship, Light Horse Top Showman Competition
- (Top Showman in each large animal departments compete for Overall Large Animal Showman)
- Division 2 – Bareback Equitation
- Division 3 – English Equitation
- Division 4 – Dressage Equitation
- Division 5 – English Pleasure
- Division 6 – Hunter Hack Over Fences
- Division 7 – Riding Pattern (English or Western)
- Division 8 – Reining Pattern
3:30 PM
- 4-H/Grange Light Horse Judging Contest (Judging cards at Horse Arena)
- Division 21 – Pairs Class
9:00 AM
- 4-H/Grange Light Horse Divisions continue from previous day
- Division10 –Trail (English or Western) Note: Trail Class ongoing throughout the day 10 AM-3 PM
- Youth will need to complete the Trail Course when you are not participating in other classes
- Division 11 – Novice Equitation
- Division 12 – Novice Pleasure
- Division 13 – Stock Seat Equitation
- Division 14 – Western Pleasure
- Division 15 – Barrel Racing
- Division 16 – Pole Bending
- Division 17 – Idaho Stake Race
- Division 18 – International Flags
11 AM–6 PM
- Exhibit Hall opens for ALL Entries — Exhibitor Wristband Sales Begin in fair Office
- Prior to Show Open Horses must be on fairgrounds
12:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Dog & Cats MUST be on Fairgrounds
2:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Educational Display’s in place. Judging starts on Thursday morning.
3:00 PM
- Sign-up begins for Open Horse Performance Event and Open Horse Halter Classes
4:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Dog & Cat Divisions begin
5:00 PM
- Open Horse Halter Classes – Light Horse and Draft Horse, to be followed by Open Horse
- Performance Events (classes located in horse arena)
7:00 PM
- All Booths – 4-H/Grange, Political, Non-Profit Commercial and Exhibit completed.
8:45 AM
- Exhibit Hall Open and 4-H JUDGES meet in the Carousel Building
9:00 AM
- 4-H Light Horse
- Division 19 – Groom Squad
12:00 PM
- Tractor Driving Finals – Arena
12:00 PM
- Livestock, Cavies, Companion Animals, Rabbits and Poultry MUST be on Fairgrounds
2:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Market Animals Weigh-in
3:30 PM
- 4-H/Grange Rabbit & Poultry Judging Contest (Judging cards at Small Animal Barn)
4:30 PM
- 4-H/Grange Livestock Judging Contest (Judging cards at Livestock Arena)
5:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Educational Posters need to be in place in appropriate barns
5:00-6:00 PM
- Afternoon Program Sign-up for Friday Arena Games (Arena office behind announcer booth)
6:00 PM
- Merry Go Round Training
6:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Horse Bowl
9:00 AM
- Judging of 4-H/Grange & Open Classes Livestock begins (Beef, Dairy, Goat, Llama, Sheep & Swine)
9:00–10:00 AM
- Afternoon Program Sign-up for Friday Arena Games (Behind announcer booth)
9:00 AM
- Judging of 4-H/Grange and Open Poultry and Rabbit Conformation
10:00 AM
- Exhibit Hall opens to the Public
- Judging of 4-H/Grange and Conformation Cavy/Companion Animals
11:30 AM-4 PM
- Arena Program for Kids Day at the fair Program Features:
- Kids Grand Entry, Contests, Races and other events for the Youth of our Area (All horse contestants must wear safety approved helmets and boots)
1:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Small Animal Showmanship (Cavy/Companion Animal, Poultry and Rabbit)
3:30 PM
- Jr Indian Relay followed immediately by Women’s Relay
5:00 PM
- Indian Relay Races – 1st Heat followed immediately by the 2nd Heat of Senior Relay
6:00 PM
- Exhibit Hall Closes
7:00 PM
- Bulls N Barrels
9:00 AM
- 4-H/Grange Livestock Showmanship – Swine, Sheep, Beef, Goat and Llama
9:00 AM
- Exhibit Hall Opens to the Public
9:00-11:00 AM
- Sign-up for Afternoon Program Arena Games (Arena office behind Arena announcer booth)
12:00 PM
- Afternoon Program begins – Featuring Professional Horse Racing, 2nd Heat Senior Indian Relay Race and
- many other exciting events
1:00 PM
- 4-H/Grange Overall Large Animal Showmanship Round Robin (Top Showman in each large animal. Department competes for Overall Large Animal 4-H/Grange Showman)
4:00 PM
- Lads and Lassies Lead Exhibition Competition
6:00 PM
- Exhibit Hall Closes
6:00 PM
- Ferry County fair Livestock Sale – Located in the Fagerlie Livestock Pavilion
8:00 PM
- Fair Dance: Firecreek
9:00 AM
- 4-H/Grange Overall Small Animal Showmanship Round Robin (Top Showman in small animal. Departments
- compete for Overall Small Animal 4-H Showman, excluding Cavy and Companion Animals.)
- Exhibit Hall Opens to the Public
9:30–10:30 AM
- Sign-up for Afternoon Program Arena Games (Behind Arena announcer booth)
10:00-11:00 AM
- Church service at music stage with Pastor Mick Fraser.
10:00 AM
- 4-H Pet Bowl
11:45 AM
- Line up for Parade of Champions
12:00 PM
- Professional Horse Racing, Senior Indian Relay Championship Race and many more exciting events
4:00 PM
- Exhibit Hall closes to the public
- All animal entries can be released.
4:30–6:00 PM
- Exhibit Hall re-opens for release of entries (NO EARLY RELEASE PERMITTED)
Please see the premium guide for more info.