Whether you are a new or returning vendor, we want to welcome you and make you feel right at home!
Fair vendor applications will be mailed out by June 30th to past vendors. If you have never participated as a vendor at our fair, please contact the fair manager for further information. Please be aware that the Ferry County Fair has a “no-compete” clause for vendors, therefore you may not be able to sell every product you wish. If you are wishing to sell a food item that you have not sold in the past, you MUST have the item approved with the fair manager.
Vendor setup is the day before the fair starts. Vendors are required to run their booths from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You may run your booth longer if you wish. If you have any questions you may call 509-775-3146 or email fcfair@co.ferry.wa.us.
All food vendors and high risk vendors will be asked to add Ferry County as additional insured for our fair. Please have your insurance company list Ferry County as additional insured.
Please contact the Ferry County Risk Manager with any questions or concerns regarding your insurance coverage: (509) 775-5225 ext. 1107.
Mail application to: PO Box 421, Republic, WA 99166 by August 1st.